
1. How do I place an order?
Below are the steps on how to order a Dimitri leather bags product online:

Step 1:After browsing through the site choose your favorite items and click on “more details” button or on your favorite color from the one available above.If you click on “more details” you can change color from the choose color option.After choosing the item and color you can add it to your bag by clicking the “add to cart”
If you want to add more items to your bag click the “continue shopping” button.

Step 2: Your shopping cart
You can review the items in your shopping cart at any time by clicking the “shopping cart” section located on the top right of the screen.
To delete an item from your shopping cart, click the “delete” check box next to the item you wish to remove and click the “refresh” button to update your selection before proceeding to the checkout.You can also change quantity on the quantity box and then click “refresh”.
Once you are happy with your selection/s, please click “proceed to checkout”.

Step 3: Login or Sign up as a member
Our checkout will prompt you to a secure area where you are required to login in (or sign up as a member for your first time). To sign up as a member, you will be asked to enter your basic contact and delivery details. Once you have completed all the fields marked with an asterisk (*), please select the “register” button.

Step 4: Checkout Process
Finally, all you need to do is follow the self-explanatory 3-step process through the checkout – it is very easy. It is important that you confirm your order and carefully complete your payment details on the first step and choose the prefered payment method(Paypal or Our payment system). On the second step (shopping cart review)check your entered information please select the “place my order” button.On the third step place you financial information and click “proceed with payment”
2. Item out of stock
If the item you like appears to be out of stock please send us an email and we will inform you when it will be available by email or by phone.
3. Do you deliver to my country?
We deliver worldwide.If your country is not included in that mentioned , in the recipient’s infomation section at checkout,please choose the option other parts of the world and fill the country’s name in the box that will appear.
4. How can i track my order?
You can track your order by clicking your tracking code on www.tnt.com.Your tracking code appears on your account’s page in the order history section.It is displayed in the same day after dispatch , late in the evening.
Please note that for same day dispatch you should make your order before 11a.m.(UK time).After that hour orders are dispatched the next day.
If your order does not arrive on your stated day and you have not had any communication from Dimitri leather bags to advise of a delay please call us.
5. How secure is your website?
At Dimitri leather bags we pay maximum attention at the transaction’s safety.For that reason we use a 3D PCIDSS-compliant payments system fully integrated in our site with 256 bit data encryption SSL powered by Geotrust.In that way your financial information are directly sent to the bank.In case you are not happy with this you can use Paypal’the sefiest payments system on the internet.
Moreover we guarantee your privacy regardind your personal data such as name,address,email,phone number e.t.c which are only used in order to handle your order.
6. What is PayPal?
PayPal is a leading global online payment system widely used by its 100 million account members worldwide. PayPal allows you to send money securely from your credit card (VISA, Mastercard or American Express), debit card, bank (savings or cheque) account with just an email address. Please note that even if you do NOT have an existing paypal account, you are still able to make your credit card payment simply by entering your credit card details on the paypal website. There is no charge to send money. You can read more about PayPal at www.paypal.com
7. How to care for my bag?
Remove the dirt from the bag by wiping down with a soft cloth.Keep the bag in dry condition and store it horizontally to avoid wrinkles made by the bags weight on the lower parts of the bag.Avoid rain and water as no bag is totally waterproof and in case of water spills leave them dry naturally.You can use neatsfoot oil with a soft cloth to condition the leather.