Refund and Returns Policy

From the moment that raw leather is sent to our labs at DimitriLeatherBags to the time that the finished bag is delivered to your doorstep, we guarantee utmost customer satisfaction. If, for any reason, you find that you are not satisfied with the quality of product that we delivered, you can return the item to us within 30 days from the date of your original order.

As long as the item is in perfect, unused condition, we will be more than happy to exchange it or give you a refund for the purchase. All return or exchange requests should be sent to our office via e-mail within 10 days after the date of delivery so that we can make the process as easy for you as possible.
You can e-mail return/exchange requests at

For faulty items, please send us an accompanying note describing the fault, which possible goods can be exchanged, and how they can be refunded. If you are returning an item for reasons other than it is defective or mistakenly sent by DimitriLeatherBags, you may return them at your expense and we will make a full refund less the shipping charges.

Please note that return postages cannot be refunded.

For customers outside EU, we will not be able to refund the import, customs and clearance charges applied. Please clearly label the products as “Returned” so that you will not be charged with the taxes again. In case you want the item to be exchanged, you will be charged with new shipping fees.

Please note that it is not possible to cancel an order if the item has already been dispatched. If you’ve already received the items, you can opt to return it. In case you don’t accept a product and then return it, remember that the courier company will not return the item to our warehouse. This means that we will NOT be able to give you a refund for the product.

All refund requests are processed within 10 working days. Once the item(s) have been refunded, you will receive a confirmation e-mail from us. Our return departments are based in UK and Greece, please choose an address that is more convenient to you.
22046 York House
Green Lane West,
Kidathineon 21
Plaka, Athens
Greece 10558